Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring is Coming--Going Home

When we left Hartford City a couple of months ago, we couldn't wait to leave the ice/snow/cold behind. We can't say that we entirely left it behind (see bog below) but it was better than up north. Right? Anyway, the spring flowers are now appearing and the trees are putting on their blossoms of color. Yesterday, the 2 of us drove to Birmingham and visited their botanical gardens. It was absolutely gorgeous with many spring flowers and, especially, the Japanese cherry blossoms. After we get home we will experience spring #2.

The camp is beginning to get busy with their many activities that they have available. There were several groups of kids on spring break this week. In the afternoons we saw them in canoes on the lake. It is always good to see how the camp is being used in the ministry. In the summer it is packed. We were told you can't even hardly drive the streets for the kids.
Don didn't have to grind and paint railing all week. They shortened that job and finished it at the first of the week. The ceiling in the new chapel was their next project----high!! Don faced his fear of heights and climbed up and worked on it. They have added to the ceiling but another large group is coming in to complete it. Also, a couple of other volunteer groups are coming to put dry wall on the walls and siding on the outside. By June 1, it will be done and full of campers!!
As a side note, the gentleman for whom the chapel is being named (Weaver Chapel) introduced himself to Sharon. When asked where her home was, she responded Indiana, "I'm a northerner." He paused and said, "No, you're a Yankee." Wherever we have been in the south, we find that the Civil War is still very much alive. In heaven, there will be no north or south!

Sharon and the ladies are still in the laundry and will work there the last two days. On Wednesday, we were treated to a day out by Mary Taylor, the wife of the director and a native Hoosier. That was a fun day. On Thursday evening, our whole group and other volunteers here had a wonderful time at the Taylor home. Our "family" just continues to grow.
It is ALWAYS hard to say good bye and head in different directions. On Tuesday afternoon, this will happen again. Only 2 of the couples will leave together to another project. All the rest of us will head for home. We want to see the grand kids is a common theme. However, when fall comes around again we will be anxious to gather again at another location and with other fellow believers to help in the Lord's work.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

More to Do at Shocco Springs

Another week---more sheets and towels to fold for Sharon and for Don more railing to get done. We don't foresee that we will run out of either in the near future. As most people know, the laundry never ends. As for the railing, there is some on nearly all the buildings on the property. Other volunteers will come and do more over the weeks and months to follow.
The pictures above show Don preparing to "sand" (actually grind) the old paint off the railing. It is a very messy job and it seeps into everything and is worn home. The second photo shows Don painting after the old paint has been removed. He will probably be wearing some of the paint when he returns to Hartford City. When it dries it feels like a rubbery substance and isn't made to be removed. The picture of the people folding laundry shows some of the room in which Sharon has spent everyday working. It isn't hard work and we talk and laugh the morning away!
In a lot of ways, we are seeing how much the camp is being used. It is a large conference center over many acres. We have been told in the summertime you can't even walk down the streets for the kids/people that are being ministered to here. Many Christian groups make there way to Shocco Springs over the year.
Unless it rains, we will be working pretty much the same jobs again this week. Our time here is moving by very quickly--soon it will be time to head back north.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring Break--RVICS Style Part #2

What a difference a week makes! One week ago, it was a pretty white around here and very "cold". As the week moved along the scenery changed to a nice green and we are adding spring blooms too. With temps in the 70's in the daytime, it makes for good working conditions outside. We like this better!
The picture of the stair rails (spindles) above shows some of the work that the men and Don have been doing this week. 3-4 of them have been grinding the rust and old paint from the metal. After work, Don looks like he has been working with coal. The remaining men are making new bannisters to put on the top. They have lots to do!! This picture shows only a fraction of railing on this building. The women started by thoroughly cleaning the chairs in the dining room (yes, there is gum) and ended the week in the laundry folding sheets and towels. We like the variety. This week will find the men and women doing much of the same tasks that they were doing this past week.
As you can see from the traditional group RVICS picture, all of the couples have now arrived and there are 6 of us. In addition to our group, 2 SOWERS couples have joined us in the RV campground. With all of us, we now represent 8 different states/regions of the US. With the warmer weather, we like to gather outside with our lawn chairs to get to know one another in our off time.
Time is flying here and we can't believe that one week of work is done. We anticipate another exciting week of work beginning tomorrow.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring Break--RVICS Style???

This was the welcome that we received at Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center in Talladega, Alabama. Since arriving here on Thursday afternoon, we have had nearly 4 inches of rain, tornado warnings, flood warnings and, now, the snow. Since we are in the south, the natives are thrilled and excited to have snow. Churches cancelled services. However, our leaders Ralph & Shirley Rose are from New York state and, from the picture above, took it all in stride Spring is just around the corner. Yesterday, our RVICS friends from Huntsville, Alabama (who have joined us for the month of March) brought over spring flowers that she had picked from her yard before they left on Friday.

This month begins are 3rd year doing RVICS projects. That seems impossible. However, this is the first repeat of a a location. Previously, we were here in November. This is a busy place. When we came in, there were groups of spring breakers here from churches. In addition, the camp ground is full with 4 other RVs. There will be 12 (6 couples) working this project. The last couple will pull in tomorrow after having to go home from our project in Florida last month for a family emergency. The additional couple are actually retired RVICS but, since they live so close, were able to join us for the month. We have worked with them before and were happy to hear that they were coming.

Assignments for work have not been given out as yet. But, the rumor is the men will be painting and the women doing kitchen and laundry duty. Once again, we are ready to get started.

Please pray for safety as we work. Also, a little warmer weather would be greatly appreciated too!