Once again we have come together as a diverse group of couples with the one purpose of serving God through service work. (Roving Volunteers in Christ's Service) Each group is unique from every other team we have joined together with. Our team members call Indiana, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, New Hampshire and Georgia home and are from different "cultures" of the US. Even though we have worked with 2 of the couples before, but different projects, the personality of the group is in continuous change. However, with our unity with Christ, it always works!!
It is fun getting to know each and everyone as an individual as we work together to accomplish our work. Since we all have different talents, it is amazing to see how the Lord puts each group together (at random since the skills required are unknown prior to our arrival). Every member of RVICS knows that if a specific talent is required on a project, one of the members will have it. Humans can't plan that well!!
The women had the opportunity to talk while we worked since were all together the majority of our work week. As we worked in the laundry room, folding sheets, blankets, towels, etc. The conversation flowed freely. Another lady and I took advantage of the sunny days to walk the hills and thoroughly enjoy the colors. As a family would, we, also, celebrated an anniversary on the team.
The men worked a little harder than the ladies. (Of course, they would say that is always the case!) They have 3 classrooms to "rebuild" on their to-do list. After tearing out walls, ceilings etc. they are beginning to put it back together with new wiring and dry wall. Next week, things will look differently.
Part of unifying our group is done through touring together one day a week. In a few minutes, all 10 of us will climb into a couple of vehicles and head out to enjoy the day at a national forest.
Thankful to be a part of this work!