As I write this blog, there are only 2 more days left on this project here at the Florida Baptist Children's Home. It has been a very good month with much accomplished with our official assignments and many personal projects have, also, been done.
The women, not only, worked in the pantry and donation centers but had more of a variety of work. The total cleaning of the library was accomplished. Also, some table clothes were ironed for use at the banquet on Monday. On Monday, we will iron some more and help set up tables for the evening meal. We have all been invited!
This week we shared a meal and an evening with a different home for the children housed here. It was another good, learning experience at a different home. What a gift these parents have!
On this blog, I am always referring how we work together on our ministry but hardly ever mention how we minister to one another on our own time. Needs are met in emergency situations but, fortunately, we don't have many of them. For example, this month 2 of men have shared cleaning a huge RV and another making RV's headlights like brand new. Also, John thought another couple (who had just been introduced to the Pegs and Jokers game) needed a game board and made them one. We use and share our given talents in many, many ways.
On Wednesday, we bid Florida Baptist Children's Home goodbye for the second time. As always, it is with mixed feelings that we leave but Lake Swan will welcome us with open arms with 5 new couples to experience new things. We have much to be thankful!