A month has passed and today marked the last day of our official work here at Village Creek. It is hard to believe because these 4 weeks have flown. During this time, we saw many ministries in action and, today, learned of even more ministries. The friendships we made with both the staff and fellow RVICS will last a lifetime. We came as strangers and leave as friends. Even though, our paths may not cross again here on earth, we will be guaranteed to see one another another day in heaven.
Even though it was our last week of work, that didn't mean we didn't get anything accomplished. Far from it. The men saw the fruits of their labor being pulled to its new home on the camp. Tim, maintenance, even took a ride in the back end of the shed, waving out the window as it went flying by. Yes, it held together perfectly. Yeah!! They started and finished another large job this week in designing and building 5 large feeding troughs for the horses. Also, they did some wall patching in a man's bathroom. Two of the other men worked on tractor and did some electrical work. Busy week.
The ladies donned their paint clothing and spent most of their week in a ladies' and men's bathrooms painting. Oh, what paint can do for a room! For our last day, we cleaned a room and sorted many library books, puzzles and games that had become disorganized through use. It feels good to look back and see things better than before.
No matter where we travel, there comes a day when we have to pack up and head home. Tomorrow is the day, we move from this location. It was a great month of beauty and work for all of us. Along with the normal memories, we will take the special beauty of this place and visualize the soaring eagles flying above.
In about 4 weeks, after a month of rest (?), we will start another adventure all over again with smiles on our faces-----