As I sit down to write, we are down to our last week on this RVICS project. 2013 is rapidly coming to a close as Thanksgiving is past, tomorrow is the last day of November and Christmas is getting closer. As we look back on this past year, we have once again been blessed beyond measure. God has been extremely good to us and blessed us beyond measure.
On Thanksgiving day, our RVICS "family" gathered together and had a traditional meal with all the fixins'. It is good to be able to gather and celebrate with friends when family isn't close by to visit in person. We call it a traditional meal but with couples representing different parts of the USA, we find slight variations in the way we prepare them. What fun it is to taste them.
COLD---this was the theme for this past week! When the temperatures drop in the low 20's that is much too cold for an RV. With the coldness, it certainly makes one think winter is here. Since the weather was terrible, all of our work was done on the inside.
The team members are finishing a few of the things they started. The activity center/gym is now just about ready to open for use. The ladies are about done painting a good portion of the lodge---main room, hallway and trim. The men cleaned out all the old flooring in the office area and director's apartment. Even battling the damp conditions (drying was an issue), the new flooring is mainly done in the apartment. "Fall" cleaning was done by a few of the ladies in the kitchen along with helping clean motel rooms etc.
The goal whenever we arrive at a new place/project is to make it a better place for the ministry of Christ. We feel the goal has once again been met.
Come Thursday, we will move our RV to Florida, enjoy a day with some friends and then head home for a break and family. January 2014, we will be back helping out again.