Saturday, October 6, 2007

Farewell to Youth Haven Ranch

On September 7 we entered Youth Haven Ranch, Rives Junction, Michigan, with excitement and, as always, all too soon it is time to say goodbye. This month flew by quickly. We will never forget the beauty of this place and the ministry that is being done. It was so good every weekend to see the children come (free of charge) and be free of their burdens that they carry at home. This is an excellent ministry and very much needed in the world that we live in today. Hopefully, in some small way we have made this a better place for this ministry to children.

Also, we will never forget the people that we worked side by side with for the past month. It was a sad time as both the people that we worked with at the camp and those we worked with from RVICS said our last goodbyes and the last hugs were given and the last wave goodbye given. However, we will never forget the friendships that we have made and the common bond of Christian faith that holds us together. Without those "back home" we couldn't do this. Thank you all for the prayers, e-mails etc that you have given for us.

During the month of October we will be visiting with family and friends. Then, there are always the list of things to do at home that never seems to end. However, when the first week of November comes rolling around we will once again hook the truck to the 5th wheel and with excitement head for our next project.

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