Monday, November 26, 2007


Thanksgiving is now past. Is that possible? A listing of all that we have to be thankful for would be too long to include here. God is so good to us. However, we were very thankful to have been able to travel to Georgia over the long weekend and visit with Kim, Luke and Hannah. We feasted on turkey etc and were able to join the crowds shopping on Friday. What fun we had!!

On Tuesday we were invited to the staff celebration of Thanksgiving with a carry in for lunch. It is good to meet the dedicated people that make this conference center work. We talked and shared in our common ground in Christ. As a part of our work day on Wednesday, the gals traveled to The Red Barn (a local relief kitchen) and served lunch. Wednesday evening found all of us around a campfire roasting hot dogs and fixing s’mores. We definitely weren’t in Indiana that far into November!

Today begins week no. 3 on our project here in Shocco Springs. Last week the men were continuing their work on the 6 guest rooms of one of the lodges. Today, they began the process of laying the carpet in the rooms. The ladies were found in the dining hall cleaning. At some point, we are going to help with the decorating for the Christmas season.

Every week that we spend with RVICS we are building memories (as you can see from above) as well as friendships. Thank you for remembering us in your prayers as we continue with this work.

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