Sunday, September 14, 2008

Work & Play

This has been a good and fruitful week here at Hiawatha Youth Camp. We hit the rode running and haven't let up yet. As the title says, work and play.

On Monday morning the men tore out a couple of the boys' bathrooms, as well as, tearing out much of the laundry room. By the end of the week, the ladies were once again able to use the laundry room. It is much improved! The boys' bathrooms will be re-built this coming week. Don spend much of his week in a set of 4 cabins being handy man---fixing and repairing. The ladies cleaned and sorted items in the kitchen making it ready for the winter when the entire camp is closed and shut down. A nursery room is, also, ready for babies next summer. Monday, I believe the women will be painting and painting and more painting.

This trip we brought our bicycles and everyone that has one is putting them to good use. The men drove their truck (tools) to the work location and parked them there. They have then been riding their bikes back and forth and to get needed supplies. The area is conducive to riding and we have taken rides for pleasure too.

The camp personal set up a "fire pit" in the center of our RV parking. We are enjoying it to the fullest and light a fire in the afternoons and evenings whenever it isn't raining. It makes for great fellowship.

On Friday (tour day for RVICS everywhere) we drove to the Tahquanenon Falls State Park. It was a postcard perfect day. I have spent 2 days before writing this blog trying to download pictures but the computer didn't cooperate. This is an enjoyable part of the projects and we get to see and visit places we might not ordinarily get to see.

Thanks again for all your prayers and support of notes etc. Monday will find us back at work.

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