Sunday, March 15, 2009

More to Do at Shocco Springs

Another week---more sheets and towels to fold for Sharon and for Don more railing to get done. We don't foresee that we will run out of either in the near future. As most people know, the laundry never ends. As for the railing, there is some on nearly all the buildings on the property. Other volunteers will come and do more over the weeks and months to follow.
The pictures above show Don preparing to "sand" (actually grind) the old paint off the railing. It is a very messy job and it seeps into everything and is worn home. The second photo shows Don painting after the old paint has been removed. He will probably be wearing some of the paint when he returns to Hartford City. When it dries it feels like a rubbery substance and isn't made to be removed. The picture of the people folding laundry shows some of the room in which Sharon has spent everyday working. It isn't hard work and we talk and laugh the morning away!
In a lot of ways, we are seeing how much the camp is being used. It is a large conference center over many acres. We have been told in the summertime you can't even walk down the streets for the kids/people that are being ministered to here. Many Christian groups make there way to Shocco Springs over the year.
Unless it rains, we will be working pretty much the same jobs again this week. Our time here is moving by very quickly--soon it will be time to head back north.

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