It seems impossible that the month of January and this project are both nearly done. This has been a great month of work and accomplishments. There are only 2 days of assignments left. As always, there is more work to be done than we have hours to do it.
The concrete steps are now finished. Don, also, sanded and painted some dry wall. All of the men moved heavy, furniture around that they are replacing in the cottages. Some of the men have built the new furniture that has arrived. Since, the shipment wasn't complete, there will be more of that to do. The women continue to sort in the pantry and donation center. One day, a couple of us planted flowers. That is a first for me in January! Thankfully, we were all spared damage etc. when the storms came through on Tuesday night. There was a river of water several inches deep that ran through where our "homes" are parked.
This past Friday will be a day for us to always remember. Annually, all of the RVICS serving in Florida and RVICS retirees, gather for a reunion. Just like every reunion, this is a wonderful time for everyone to gather and see each other again. It is amazing how many friends we have made over the last 4 years that we'd have never known without RVICS.
However, this day was extra special for Don and I. Last summer, we accepted the call to become RVICS leaders. The leaders are responsible for coordinating the work team and the missions organization we are responsible for helping. At the reunion, a commissioning service was held for us. To make the day extra special, our long-time friends from Hartford City, Larry and Gaylene, were able to join us and, also, participate. They first introduced us to RVICS. It was very humbling to hear the scripture read, to have others pray for us, and even, the humor given at the end. We pray that we will be up to the task.
In the mean time, on Wednesday we will head north to another location---Lake Swan near Melrose, Florida. It will be another good adventure-----
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