Saturday, September 13, 2014

We Are Off and Running

A “run and slow down” week is the best way to describe our first days of work at Miracle Camp.   There are certain factors that can never be controlled but it only serves as a reminder that God is in control and not us!
The “links” of our team “chain” were a little late in being complete but our last couple arrived on Monday evening.  Yeah!!  This team has representatives from Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana and Colorado!    Yes, RVICS members love to travel!   Now, we are complete.

Rain was a major factor in our work.   It was very wet for Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.   Plus, the beginning of the week was extremely warm, humid but the later part found everyone pulling out their warm clothes.   Fall is coming early.   Thankfully, we experienced the change in weather peacefully and with no storms as had been originally forecast.

The men have started on a paint ball equipment storage shed in the middle of the woods and on a slope.   Some of the foundation work has been started but the rains really caused problems in getting much done.  As the picture shows above, it all started with cutting and removing trees!   To supplement their work, they found a little painting and moving chairs etc. around preparing for different groups.

The dining room windows needed cleaning in a big way.    They are now clean and it is a picture perfect view from them now looking over the lake.   Also, a couple of days were spent in pulling weeds and landscaping.   It is so good to see a big difference in our work.   And, there was a big difference in both of the jobs.   Also, “fall housecleaning” was done on a dorm type building.  Yes, we have fun doing all of this.

There are bonuses to our work.   Yes, we work hard but the benefits are abundant.  This past week, we have seen lots of deer (all ages) and turkeys.   When we were washing windows, beside the lake, we saw pairs of swans and blue heron fishing—even in the rain.   One day, walking from one location to another I saw a red fox in my path.  This is different from home and we are enjoying it.

One of the requests RVICS asks of the host camp is for them to provide some type of Bible study for the team one evening during the week.   This week was very special and a perfect evening to do it because we had a pontoon ride on the 280 acre lake on Miracle Camp.   After the wonderful ride, he stopped the boat for a devotional and history of the camp.   (Interesting because this property was purchased in 1965 from the University of Notre Dame).

Next week will see further advancements even though it might not be steady upward progress.   Time will tell.

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