Sunday, September 12, 2010

Typical RVICS

Can I say this is a typical RVICS project? A lot of the women’s assignments from month to month deals with painting. The men start something and, usually, see it to completion. This month is following a similar pattern. The women have finished painting the entrance doors to the cabins and have begun to paint in other places in the camp. The men are progressing on the house. This week (after the demolition) they shored up the porch floor, laid subflooring for tile and are beginning to lay out the pattern for the floor tile. One of the RVICS men is repairing lawn mowers and other equipment used in grooming the grounds.

However, there was a break in the men’s routine one day. Smoke testing was done in the camp’s sewer lines. The men tracked the smoke. As you can see in the picture, they had to meet to plan etc. Ha!!

Some of the places we work are not suited for bicycles. This place is ideal for riding to and from one place to another. The truck gets a rest. We don’t always get to bring them along but are glad that we have them this month.

Part of the fun in RVICS is socializing in our free time. This is the perfect time of year for roasting hot dogs and with all the fixin’s around an open fire. We are building friendships, as well as fellowshipping.

With perfect weather to work outside, this will be another good week. What a beautiful time of year.

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